RYA VHF SRC Radio Course

RYA Diesel Engine Course

RYA First Aid At Sea Course

Sea Survival

SBT Yacht Maintenance

SBT Outboard Engine

RYA Essential Navigation

RYA Day Skipper Theory

RYA Yachtmaster Theory

RYA Theory & Shorebased Training Courses

Most experienced skippers and instructors would agree, that going to sea without a balance of the following courses, would be at best described as foolish. Our Southampton RYA Training Centre runs shore based courses for VHF radio, first aid, sea survival as well as the RYA day skipper & Yachtmaster theory courses.

From our Southampton Saxon Wharf marina classrooms we offer these essential bolt on courses :-

RYA VHF Radio SRC ( Short Range Certificate ) From £49

It is a legal requirement that anyone using a marine VHF radio holds a current license or is under supervision of a current radio license holder. Not only is a VHF radio the recommended marine safety communication method, but calling for a marine berth, fuel pontoon or other vessel at sea are all easier via VHF radio. This 1 day classroom course teaches you the correct usage and overview of standard equipment features.   More VHF radio course details here.

RYA First Aid Course From £99

Hopefully common sense tells us all that some First Aid Training would be a useful addition to our knowledge base. This course is taylored to incidents and the limitations of being at sea. This is a 1 day course in our Southampton classroom with both hands applications on and theory taught. The RYA first aid course is a requirement for some practical courses such as the Powerboat advanced course.  More first aid course details here.

RYA Sea Survival Course From £99

A day in the swimming pool in full wet weather gear and a life jacket has never been so educating. I still remember how hard it was swimming in full gear and how I was relieved when the instructor told us to inflate our life jackets. It then kept popping over my head until that crotch strap was on, first lesson learnt !

From flares, plb`s, life rafts and life jackets to helicopter evacuations this 1 day course covers the lot. More sea survival course details here.

RYA Day Skipper Theory From £249

A full 5 days in the classroom can be an unpleasant thought, but our new classroom and supporting local facilities allows you to focus on the day skipper course.

From chartwork, navigation, tides, seamanship to collision avoidance your theory knowledge will be wide and deep following this course.

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory From £299

This is an advanced course in navigation and meteorology for candidates for the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate.

The syllabus makes some provision for the revision of subjects in the Day Skipper Course but those who have not acquired the knowledge set out in the Day Skipper Course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in this course in the time available.  More RYA Yachtmaster Theory course details here.