RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course In Southampton From £249

RYA Powerboat Intermediate Level 3 Course Summary

From £249 In Southampton

Course Duration: 2 days - 9am to 5pm approx both days
Course Cost: From £249
Course Location:  Shamrock Quay, Southampton
Joining Instructions:  Download Here
Recommended Reading: RYA Start Powerboating G48 (Not Included)
Course Prerequisite & Age: 16+ Unaccompanied
What's In The Course? Gain further knowledge and experience to undertake longer passages in coastal Waters.  Introduce additional ways of navigating at sea, using both paper and electronic methods.  In addition you will operate our vessel in potentially unfamiliar waters, to highlight the importance of planning and the use of various publications to complete successful pilotage & passage.

RYA Powerboat Level 3 - Intermediate
2 Days
From: £275.00 Per Person

Our fully inclusive RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course, sometimes referred to as the Powerboat Level 3, Intermediate Course, costs from just £249 per person for this 2 day practical course.  We always include everything you need to complete this course, which includes one of our highly experienced RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor, one of our 7.2m rib, fuel, waterproofs, lifejackets and the use of our classrooms, for your preparation of passage and pilotage plans for your nominated journey.

This is a follow course from the RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course.  Having gained some experience and applied the skills and drills learnt during the RYA Powerboat Level 2 course, the RYA Intermediate course will take you further afield and prepare you for slightly longer passages.  

With a better understanding of the various factors, such as weather, tides, pilotage in less familiar areas, you will be able to better plan your passages safely to ensure you gain the most from your boating adventures.


RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course Exploring The Solent

Our Southampton Marina classrooms overlook our training fleet of many XS Ribs & Redbay rigid inflatable boats. We usually use a larger rib for the Intermediate course, as owning a range boats, allows us to be more flexible. We tend to use our 7.2m 200hp ribs for the Intermediate Coastal course, which gives students the opportunity to gain experience in a larger and more powerful craft.

Following on from the  Level 2 Powerboat Course , we run longer passages, meaning our preparation and navigational skills need to be to a higher level than that of the Powerboat Level 2. We will enhance your navigation knowledge and improve on those skills gained in both the classroom and on the water, then allow you to put them into practice on longer passage within the Solent area.

Read the PBO magazine review of the Solent Boat Training RYA Powerboat Intermediate Course

RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course

The RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course will allow you to bareboat charter from a number of rib charter companies, as it proves you have spent more time on the water and undergone additional tuition above that of a powerboat level 2 student.

So a summary, what's included:-

RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor

One of our 7.2m XS Ribs training boat, including all fuel used

Waterproof gear and lifejacket

Classroom with charts, books, tea & coffee

RYA course completion certificate


Previous Experience Required:

Boat handling should be to the standard of at least that of a Level 2 Powerboat Handling course, with Coastal experience on a planning boat. Your skills & knowledge must be to the powerboat level 2 standard or beyond. Although not a course requirement, we strongly recommend the completion of the RYA Essential Navigation online theory course, to help brush up on your navigation and seamanship and also to ensure you gain the most from the additional information taught on the Intermediate course. It is strongly recommended that candidates hold a recognised First Aid Certificate and a VHF/SRC Operators Certificate. Minimum student age is 16 years old.

If you have not boated for a while or have no previous Coastal Powerboating experience we strongly recommend completing your powerboat level 2 first or why not try one of our  Powerboat Refresher  events to brush up on those skills and to experience boating on open and tidal waters. 


RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course Syllabus

Aim: To teach powerboating up to the standard required to complete a short coastal passage by day. 

The intermediate course syllabus below is aimed at confirmation of powerboat level 2 skills and taking certain areas to the next level.

    Theory - Planning a day cruise

    True and magnetic bearings
    Bearing and distance
    Chart symbols
    Tidal diamonds and tidal streams
    Use of pilot books
    Position lines
    Use of marina locks
    Latitude and longitude
    The principles of GPS
    Sources of forecast information and the interpretation of forecasts
    Tidal heights at secondary ports
    Use a plotting instrument and plot a course to steer (CTS)
    Work out tidal heights for standard pors using a tidal curve
    Interpret Lateral and Cardinal buoyage
    Implement IRPCS, in particular rules 5,7,8,9,12-19,23
    Use GPS waypoint navigation and determine XTE, SOG, COG, BTW, DTW
    Use a laminated chart afloat
    Use pilotage to enter an unfamiliar port by day
    Explain how to make a VHF emergency call
    The importance of protective clothing and safety equipment
    The minimum level of equipment for the boat
    Considerations of equipment required for longer passages
    Correct stowage of equipment
    Effect of waves
    Rougher conditions
    Awareness of other water users
    Mooring stern-to between posts or Med style
    Demonstrate awareness of wind and tide
    Moor alongside, in a marina berth
    Demonstrate the use of an appropriate length of kill cord at all times
    Demonstrate a practical application of techniques for pilotage in local waters
    The need for pre-planning, including advice in the event of having to return at night
    Apply the lessons learnt in the theory section and successfully complete a practical passage
    Fix position by traditional and electronic means
    Techniques for picking up a man overboard in differing conditions
    Pick up a man overboard

See the RYA Powerboat Scheme for all Powerboat Courses and what's required depending on your experience at Solent Boat TrainingFollow the RYA Powerboat Scheme of Powerboat Courses and see what's required, depending on your experience at Solent Boat Training


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