RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities(PPR) Online Course £30

To introduce seafarers to relevant legislation applicable to them, including SOLAS, COSWoP, MARPOL, Flag State, Port State Authorities and the Code of Practice. Upon completion of the course you won't necessarily be able to quote all of these regulations by rote, but will be aware of them and know where to read more about them.
This online course is broken down into four modules:
Commercial environment - how you fit into the professional maritime world.
People – the importance of correct manning, keeping your skills up to date and the safe management of commercial vessels.
Vessel – the compulsory carriage and maintenance of safety equipment and how to create and implement risk control and operating procedures. ·
Purpose – making sure your vessel is suitable and legal for the work you are carrying out, your obligations in protecting the environment, appropriate planning and situational awareness.
The PPR course is for skippers and crew using RYA qualifications to allow them to work commercially. As such, it is written mainly from the point of view of UK legislation and concentrates on your place in the international maritime environment as a UK certificate holder. However, it also explains the need to look beyond UK rules and regulations and take into consideration the requirements of the flag and port state.
Teaching scenarios throughout the course are based on a variety of boats, both sail and power. It may be that you have experience on none of the boats used, but that will not affect your ability to do the course as no specialist knowledge of any type of vessel is required – the same rules and regulations apply regardless of your type of boat or operation.
The time it takes to complete the course varies greatly, but the majority of students complete it in 10 hours or less. It's up to you how you break your study time down to suit you.
Once we have received your order we aim to get you username and password emailed to you the same working day.